(To remember this phrase throughout the day as an affirmation I use mnemonics and a counting reminder. I take the first letter of two words at a time and find a state, city, or college abbreviation or professional sports team. Today’s are University of Richmond (UR), Mississippi (MS), and San Bernardino (SB). The numbers are 6, 6, and 15 derived from the total letters in each two-word grouping.)
We need help. We need help with each day.
We cannot know what each day will entail. We probably know that there are people, situations, and problems that could make our day a difficult one. Those things could adversely affect our physical state, emotional state, mental state, etc.
We could find ourselves figuratively wrecked and stranded if we were left to our own devices.
The good news is that God is there.
God’s love in Jesus Christ is the beginning of what God wants to do for us. God will bring us through. We may experience the trouble we can envision, or we may not.
At the first sign of trouble remember that God is our bridge through the troubled world. And, if any harm can reach us on the bridge, God covers us with His safe sheltered love.
God has no plan for our harm, only our good.
Psalm 23 and Romans 8:28