Mr. Crockett attended schools of higher education at Emory and Henry College, Emory, Virginia, The Interdenominational Theological Center (Gammon Theological Seminary), Atlanta, Georgia, and William and Mary School of Law (Marshall-Wythe), Williamsburg, VA. He earned an undergraduate degree in Business and Economics with a concentration in Accounting in 1979, a seminary degree in 1985, and a law degree (J.D.) in1999. Mr. Crockett is licensed to practice law in Virginia. He has practiced in all trial level Virginia state courts, U.S. federal bankruptcy court, and U.S. federal district court. Mr. Crockett was fortunate to work for two legal aid firms in Virginia and with an established small-town practice as an associate to a seasoned attorney. In those positions he received valuable knowledge and experience in litigating civil and criminal cases. Mr. Crockett also spent over a year working behind the scenes of a major class action lawsuit for a large Richmond law firm; and 6 years honing his customer service/client relations skills with Framme Law Firm, PC in Richmond fielding about 20-30 calls a day and giving advice and assistance on virtually every area of law – from employment to immigration to business formation to criminal to real estate and more. Mr. Crockett is a native Virginian and grew up in Wythe County. He has lived in Atlanta, Kansas, and Tennessee. He and his wife have two married children and three grandchildren. The law is a profession. Helping people is his passion. Mr. Crockett came to Highland Springs United Methodist Church as pastor in July 2011. He brought the law practice to Highland Springs in 2014. He continued as pastor at HSUMC until June 30, 2023 when he retired from pastoral ministry. Now his sole professional focus in on the practice of law. He maintains a keen interest in the church. His office prepares and updates wills and other estate planning documents. He represents those who have been, or could be, wronged through someone else's misuse or violation of the law; and advises, counsels, advocates, and litigates on various legal matters.